

I've decided to get down to business and post more black metal instead of dreampop/shoegaze/whatever because it's much more important... but also because I'm in a black metal mood >.<

Urfaust is a black metal group from the Netherlands. More info on Urfaust here. It may just be me, but I've noticed that most of their album covers have something to do with a man, either in anguish/agony, or in a deep state of meditation, or just sitting in the dark somewhere. Maybe this is supposed to be Docteur Faust, or Goethe, or a Schopenhauer. In any case, these images contribute quite well to the atmosphere of the music... I really like it when artists do that, but I guess it's generally unwise to judge an album by its cover. Well, screw that, I do it anyways.

Geist ist Teufel

2004; 6 tracks

I'm going to write like a first grader because I feel like this explanation should be simple: This is my favorite Urfaust album. It might be one of my favorite black metal albums. I cannot describe what appeals to me so much about this album. I just like it. The end.


Verräterischer, Nichtswürdiger Geist

2005; 7 tracks

Okay, listen. There are NO words at all to describe the magnificence of this album. It is the most amazing "black metal" album I've heard in like, forever... Plus, it has great album art. PLUS PLUS: it has CLEAN vocals! in black metal - gotta love that.

The first track (Dunkel, still von Ewigkeit) is 13 minutes long. It is a completely instrumental classical track. Some might find this odd for a black metal album, or whatever. This track is really amazing, reminiscent of something like black coffee mixed with snowstorm, seen through a beautiful stained glass window. Actually, let's make this a broken stained glass window. It's like that, beautiful, but only because it is shattered. The rest of the tracks are equally as great.


Drei Rituale Jenseits des Kosmos EP

2008; 3 tracks

While not my favorite Urfaust release, it is the first thing of theirs I ever heard and it was quite enjoyable. I was not expecting the marvelous clean vocals, especially on "II," but that made it all the more powerful for me. These three tracks seem to radiate a dark, ancient, mysterious majesty that can only be experienced by the abrasive sound of Urfaust... In other words, it's a really awesome EP.


I have only heard these two albums and the one EP, so I cannot give my thoughts on their two splits and 09 EP, but I'm sure they're great............................................................... :3


  1. Thanks for sharing these. This stuff is amazing.

  2. Urfaust is indeed amazing and perfect.
