
a present

Today I woke up to find in my mailbox something very unexpected. An MP3 player full of music.

* A Place to Bury Strangers - A Place to Bury Strangers
Exploding Head
* A Winged Victory for the Sullen - A Winged Victory for the Sullen
* Aucan - Aucan
* Bastro - Antlers
Sing the Troubled Beast / Diablo
* Battles - EP B

* Bedhead - Beheaded
The Dark Ages
Transaction De Novo
What Fun Life Was

Ben Houge - Arcanum Soundtrack
Bestial Mouths - Stable Vices
Beton Brut - Brut Unison//
* Big Black - Atomizer
Songs About Fucking

* Big'n - Cutthroat
Discipline Through Sound
Spare the Horses

* Big'n + Oxes - Split
* Bitch Magnet - Ben Hur
* Black Cock - Robot Child with a God Complex
* Blonde Redhead - Fake Can Be Just as Good
* Bluetile Lounge - Half-Cut

* Bossk - .1
.2 EP

* Brainiac - Hissing Prigs in Static Couture
* Breadwinner - The Burner
* Breeders - Pod
* C4AM95 (The Fucking Champs) - III
* Celebration - Celebration
Hello Paradise
The Modern Tribe

* Cherubs - Heroin Man
Love & Napalm
Pink Party Desert 7"
Short of Popular

* Cheval de Frise - Cheval de Frise
* Chevreuil - Capoeira
* Circus Lupus - Solid Brass
Super Genius

* Colossamite - All Lingo's Clamor
Economy of Motion

* Come - Don't Ask Don't Tell
Near Life Experience

* Conifer - Crown Fire
* Craw - Bodies for Strontium 90
Last Nation Road
Map, Monitor, Surge

* Dazzling Killmen - Face of Collapse

* Dead Elephant - Lowest Shared Descent
* Desafinado - Desafinado
* Don Caballero - 2
* Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime
* Drunkdriver - Born Pregnant
Knife Day 7"
My Chinese Sister

* Egg Hunt - Egg Hunt
* Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics...
Let Us Prey

* Ex Wives - A Collection of Shit
Stave / Diktat

* Fever Ray - Fever Ray
* Fugazi - Steady Diet of Nothing
* Ganger - Hammock Style
* Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
* Gorge Trio - Dead Chicken Fear No Knife
Open Mouth, O Wisp

* Harvey Milk - A Small Turn of Human Kindness
Courtesy and Good Will Toward Men (+ Live)
Harvey Milk
Life... The Best Game in Town
My Love is Higher than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be
Special Wishes
The Pleaser (+ Live)
The Singles

* Have A Nice Life - The Future
The Plow that Broke the Plains
Time of Land

* Hey Colossus - Eurogrumble, Vol. 1
Happy Birthday

* High on Fire - Blessed Black Wings
Death is This Communion

* HTRK - Eat Yr Heart ♥ Sweetheart 12" single
Marry Me Tonight
Work (Work, Work)

* Ikue Asazaki - Shimayumuta

* Jaks - Here Lies the Body of Jaks
* Johnboy - Calyx
Claim Dedications
Love & Napalm

* Joy Division - Heart and Soul, Discs 1-4
* June of 44 - Engine Takes to the Water
The Anatomy of Sharks
Tropics and Meridians

* Keelhaul - Triumphant Return to Obscurity
* King Crimson - Red (2009 Reissue)
* Knot Feeder - Light Flares
* Kraftwerk - Autobahn (2009 Remaster)
Radio-Activity (2009 Remaster)
The Man-Machine (2009 Remaster)
Tour De France

* Labradford - Fixed:Content
* Lake of Dracula - Sinraft (Live)
* Life Without Buildings - Any Other City
Live at the Annandale Hotel

* Loincloth - Demo
* Love Life - Here is Night, Brothers, Here the Birds Burn
Hex it Out 7"
The Rose He Lied By

* Lungfish - Feral Hymns
Love is Love
Sound in Time
The Unanimous Hour

* M83 - Before Dawn Heals Us
Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
Saturdays = Youth

* Making - Demo

* Mayyors - Deads
* Mazey Fade - Secret Watchers Built the World
* Melvins - Lysol
* Menfolk - Beast One/Man Nil

* Midget - Half Life - A Serum Compilation
The Toggle Switch
Total Abandonment of Better Understanding
Vagus Wandering

* Monorchild - Who Put Out the Fire?
* Mt. Eeerie - Dawn
* My Disco - Collapse of an Erratic Lung
Language of Numbers
Little Joy

* New Brutalism - 2001-2003
Actual Record
Brut Unison//
Personal Record

* Ocean - Pantheon of the Lesser
* Old Man Lady Luck - Old Man Lady Luck
* Om - Conference of the Birds
God is Good
Variations on a Theme

* Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica
* Ox Scapula - Hands Out
Lax USA Cop
Split w/ Conger Conger

* Oxes - Oxes
* Palace Music - Arise Therefore
* Papaye - La Chaleur
* Passe Montagne - Oh My Satan
* Pissed Jeans - Hope for Men
King of Jeans

* Public Image Ltd. - Public Image: First Issue
Second Edition

* Rachel Grimes - Book of Leaves: For Solo Piano
* Rachel's - Music for Egon Schiele
The Sea and the Bells

* Rapeman - Barbue
Inki's Butt Crack
Two Nuns and a Pack Mule

* Ricaine - Intore: The Cold Grey Rain
Regret Is an Inevitable Consequence
The Clarity of Distance

* Rockets Red Glare - Moonlight Desires
Rockets Red Glare

* Rodan - Aviary

* SCUL HAZZARDs - Landlord
Let them sink

* Sea Scouts - Beacon of Hope
* Shannon Wright - Over the Sun
Secret Blood

* Sharpie Crows - Mass Grave
Sharpie Crows (Greed)

* Shellac - At Action Park
Extraneous Material
The Finger is the Most Popular Finger
The Rude Gesture (A Pictorial History)

* Shipping News - Flies the Fields
One Less Heartless to Fear
Save Everything
Very Soon & in Pleasant Company

* Shoppers - Silver Year
* Shorty - Fresh Breath
Thumb Days

* Six Finger Satellite - Law of Ruins
Severe Exposure

* Skull Kontrol - Deviate Beyond All Means of Capture

* Sleep - Dopesmoker
Sleep's Holy Mountain
Volume One
Volume Two EP

* Slint - -

* Soldat Brut - Brut Unison//
* Stats - Crowned

* Steve Moore - The Henge
* Still Corners - Creatures of an Hour
Don't Fall in Love/Wish 7"
Remember Pepper?

* STNNNG - Dignified Sissy
Fake Fake
Smoke of My Will

* Storm & Stress - Storm & Stress
Under Thunder and Fluorescent Lights

* Table - Table
* Tar - Clincher
Over and Out

* The 90 Day Men - (It (Is) It) Critical Band
1975 - 1977 - 1998

* The Cure - Pornography
* The For Carnation - Promised Works
The For Carnation

* The Fucking Champs - 7"

* The Juan Maclean - DFA Compilation #1
Less than Human
The Future Will Come

* The Knife - Deep Cuts
Silent Shout
The Knife

* The Loved Ones - Magic Box
* The Monorchid - Let Them Eat...
* The New Flesh - Parasite!

* The Scissor Girls - Here Is The 'Is - Not'
We People Space with Phantoms

* The Sight Below - Glider
It All Falls Apart

* The Sonora Pine - II
The Sonora Pine

* Three Second Kiss - Long Distance
* Tormenta - Demo
La ligne apre

* Tortoise - Tortoise
* Trans Am - The Surveillance
Trans Am

* Trans Champs - Double Exposure
* True Widow - A.H.A.T.H.H.A.F.T.C.T.T.C.O.T.E.
True Widow

* Truman's Water - Spasm Smash XXXOXOX Ox & Ass
* U.S. Maple - Acre Thrills
Long Hair in Three Stages
San Phat Editor

* Valina - A Tempo! A Tempo!
* VILLA BRUT - Brut Unison//
* Void - Faith/Void
Sessions 1981-83

* Weakling - Dead as Dreams
* White Tornado - Split w/ Colossamite
From Hand to Mouth

* Zeni Geva - Nai-Ha/Superunit
Vast Impotentz MC

It is mostly loud boy music, as you can see.

Where should I start?